11 Steps To Dominate SEO In Your Industry
Check out the 11 steps required to boost your SEO rankings and open the floodgates of organic traffic. Download your free report now before this page comes down.
Uncovering the secret to sure-fire SEO starts with understanding the term “Search Engine Optimization”...
...because most people read it the wrong way.
Your competitors probably believe that SEO means “optimising their website for Google”. In other words, they think that SEO is all about “looking good for Google”.
Let them keep believing that.
But what does the term “Search Engine Optimization” say, quite literally? It says, “optimisation of a search engine”. In other words: “making Google look good”.

Now take a wild guess as to whom Google will eventually rank first in the search results: someone who looks good to them, or someone who will make them look good?

You can think of Google as a travel agent that recommends different destinations to their customers based on what needs these people express. SEO is about helping Google sell your particular destination by giving them all the advertising material they need (on-page, technical and off-page SEO). But, importantly, it’s also about meeting people’s expectations once they arrive at your destination.
Unfortunately most digital marketers will only bother about making promises, in effect holding up signs to Google saying, “This way to the Land of Milk and Honey”. That will drive traffic, at least temporarily. But if all that the “Land of Milk and Honey” really has to offer is some empty beer cans and a half-finished packet of chips, well… the travel agent will eventually figure it out and stop sending their customers there.
At Co Media,
we take a holistic approach to SEO
Sure, we employ a raft of SEO strategies and tactics. But above all, we make sure that we deliver on every promise our SEO makes to Google. This not only leads to great conversion rates. It also makes Google look good.
And Google will thank you for it.
Nothing beats organic traffic.