Almost 60% of people prefer to purchase from familiar brands. If consumers don’t know who you are, they won’t choose your business. With social media, you can boost your online presence and start reaching new customers!

Are you unsure how to start improving your social media presence? We’re here to help! Here are six ways you can generate brand awareness while staying social.

With these social media marketing tips, you can strengthen your overall marketing strategy. As consumers learn to recognize you, you’ll soon turn brand recognition into brand trust. Then, you can retain customers and improve your ROI.

In fact, a 2% increase in customer retention can lower costs by as much as 10%.

Start reaching out to new customers with these tips today!

1. Understand Your Audience

Before you rush to start posting on Facebook and Instagram, it helps to know who you’re posting for.

Who are your customers? What do they care about? 

If you’re targeting a large audience, try to break them into smaller groups. Then, you can create content that appeals to each niche buyer persona. You can differentiate your customers based on demographics such as age, gender, or location.

About 45% of the world’s population is made up of active social media users. The average American has about 7.1 social media accounts. Chances are your customers are already on social media, too. 

However, not everyone with an account fits your target audience. Focusing on your ideal customers will help you appeal to their interests and needs. 

Learn what you can about their online behavior. Which accounts are they already following? 

If you already have followers, consider creating a survey to learn more about your existing audience.

Once you pinpoint your target audience, try to learn more about the content they enjoy. Social media isn’t meant for sales tactics. Instead, it gives you a chance to emotionally connect with your customers.

What are they worried about? What pain points are they experiencing? Then, you can create content that appeals to those needs and interests. 

2. Set a Goal

Is growing your social media presence your only goal? Social media can help you accomplish other goals, such as increasing your website traffic and online ranking, too.

Determining your goals before you start posting can help you accomplish those goals.

Brand Awareness

For example, if you’re concerned about your online presence, you’re likely working on a brand awareness campaign. It can take five to seven impressions before you start developing brand awareness. Consistency is key if you want to develop brand awareness.

To create a brand awareness campaign, you need to set yourself apart from your competitors. Try using branded hashtags and content that includes your visual brand. Make sure your font, imagery, and color scheme matches the branding on your website.

That way, consumers associate your social media posts with your website. 

Don’t forget to focus on your unique value proposition. What value can you offer consumers that no one else can? Creating posts that focus on that value can help you stand out from competitors.

You can even have your followers help spread the news about your brand, too. Create a contest that encourages people to post pictures using your product or service. Have them use your branded hashtag, too.

Then, post user-generated content (UGC) to show your followers you’re listening.

For a brand awareness campaign, focus on tracking impressions and view-through impressions.

Increase Traffic

Do you want to attract people to your website? To increase traffic to your website, you need to give people a reason to visit.

Create posts that tease content on your website. Then, use a strong call-to-action (CTA) that encourages people to visit your site for more.

For a traffic campaign, you’ll need to watch your clicks and clickthrough rate.

3. Know Your Competition

What are your competitors doing to boost their own social media presence? Researching your customers will tell you more about the brands they already love. Then, you can create even better content that suits your own brand.

Look at the type of content your competitors are creating for their social media marketing campaigns, too. Are they posting stories, live videos, photos, blog snippets, and animations? Which posts are getting the most attention?

Remember, you want to differentiate yourself from competitors. Don’t copy what they’re doing. Instead, create a social media presence campaign that suits your unique brand. 

4. Set a Schedule

If your goal is to build brand awareness, persistence is key. If you’re not posting on a schedule, consumers might see you once before forgetting who you are. Instead of losing their attention, try to set a schedule. 

You can automate your social media marketing by putting your posts on a calendar. 

For example, you can use the Later App or Hootsuite for posting on your social media accounts. 

Try to post at least a few times a week. If you have high-quality you can post every day, try posting more often. 

5. Create Unique Content

Now that you have a plan in place, it’s time to start creating content.

Try to post content that helps you connect with your audience. Instead of trying to sell, focus on educating consumers about your brand. You can even increase engagement by encouraging people to post their opinions or ask questions.

Keep track of the latest social media marketing trends, too. Keeping up with the trends will help you look relevant in front of your target audience. Otherwise, you might look like you’re falling behind. 

6. Work With Influencer

If you really want to expand your reach and boost your presence, find an influencer in your industry. Influencers already have a loyal fan base. They can post about your business to help you reach new customers.

Working with an influencer can also help you generate brand trust and loyalty. If consumers trust the influencer’s opinion, they might trust your brand as well. 

Boost Your Social Media Presence: 6 Ways to Build Brand Awareness

Ready to boost your social media presence? Start by creating a social media marketing plan for yourself. Then, you can expand your reach and start reaching new customers online!

Once you start reaching new customers, you can generate fresh leads and grow your business.

Eager to get new leads? Schedule a free strategy session with our team today!