Local SEO refers to how you may optimise your site for consumers looking in a specific geographical area. Copywriting, which essentially contains all of the written material you place on your site, is one of the most crucial components of local SEO – and there are easy copywriting ideas you can start adopting immediately to enhance your local SEO results.

What effect does SEO have on copywriting? Incorporating local search phrases into your material allows you to target a specific set of individuals who are already looking for a business like yours. Here are five easy copywriting tactics for local SEO that have been shown time and again to be effective.

1. Infuse Your Site with Local Keywords

If you want to target a specific geographic region with your local SEO efforts, it’s important to use relevant keywords throughout your site copy. This process is known as “geotargeting,” and it can be accomplished by including city names, region-specific slang, and other location-based keywords in your content. In addition to helping you rank higher in SERPs, this will also give your site an air of authenticity and help you connect with readers on a more personal level.

2. Put Local Regions in Your H1 and H2 Tags

In addition to using local keywords throughout the body of your site copy, it’s also important to include them in your H1 and H2 tags. These are the headlines and subheadings that appear on each page of your website, and they play a big role in both SEO and readability. By including local regions in your H1 and H2 tags, you can help improve your click through rate (CTR) and better target your desired audience.

3. Write for Mobile

As more and more people use their mobile devices to search for local businesses, it’s become increasingly important to write optimised copy for these smaller screens. This means using shorter sentences and paragraphs and larger font sizes to make your content easy to read on a mobile device. You should also include clickable phone numbers and links to directions so that potential customers can easily get in touch with you or find your business location.

4. Enrich Your Site With Semantically-Related Keywords

In addition to using local keywords, you can also improve your SEO by incorporating semantically related keywords into your site copy. These are words and phrases closely related to your main keywords, and they help search engines better understand the context of your content. By including semantically related keywords, you can improve both your local SEO rankings and your overall visibility in search results.

5. Link Out to Other Local Businesses

One of the best ways to improve your local SEO is to link out to other local businesses in your content. This helps search engines understand that you’re a part of the local community, and it can also lead to increased traffic and customers for both businesses. When you link out to other businesses, be sure to use relevant keywords in the anchor text so that both search engines and readers know what you’re talking about.


Copywriting is an important part of local SEO, and there are several simple things you can do to improve your rankings. By following the tips above, you can start to see better results from your local SEO efforts in no time.

Co Media provides top-quality services for SEO audits in Australia. We are a digital marketing agency that offers comprehensive solutions to ensure that you meet your goals, all for fair prices. Reach out today and allow us to develop your strategy!