If your brand has a website where you conduct your business, you should definitely be paying attention to your bounce rate. The bounce rate of your website is simply the percentage of visitors who leave your site after visiting only one page. The higher the bounce rate, the more dissatisfied your visitors are or unimpactful your website is.

Manage Your Website’s Bounce Rate with These Suggestions

If your visitors keep leaving your website, they are probably looking for something specific. If they can’t find it on your site, they will move on to another. The bounce rate that you see in your analytics program is probably the only feedback that you get from your visitors. By understanding why they have left your site, you can make your site more attractive to visitors. Here are a few tips that will help with keeping your visitors’ attention:

1. Optimize for Mobile

There’s an enormous market of mobile visitors out there. If your site is not optimised for mobile devices, your bounce rate is likely to be higher than it should be. Your visitors should be able to navigate your site smoothly on their mobile devices for a better experience. If they can’t, you will lose their attention.

2. Provide Relevant Content

If your content is outdated and irrelevant to your visitors, they will likely leave the site. Don’t just post articles and pages for the sake of posting. They should be relevant to your readers and their interests. Instead, you should provide content with useful information and help them further their goals.

3. Make It Easy to Navigate

The more pages a visitor must navigate to reach the information they are looking for, the more likely they will leave your site. If a visitor can’t find what they are looking for after only one page of your website, chances are, they aren’t going to stick around to explore. Consider simplifying your navigation and putting everything within a visitor’s reach.

4. Build Good Landing Pages

Landing pages are an increasingly valuable aspect of digital marketing. By dividing your website’s content into separate pages that contain a single piece of content, you will enable your visitors to easily find whatever they are looking for. Building good landing pages is also an excellent way to boost your conversion rates.

5. Use Visuals

The use of visuals on your website can keep your visitors on your site longer. It’s always important to keep in mind that people are much more likely to respond to images and videos than plain text. Add good visuals to your website to make sure you’re keeping your visitors engaged for longer.

6. Learn from Analytics

You should look at your analytics program to see what is areas of your website are most and least effective. Learn what sections of your website are receiving the most traffic and figure out why. Pay close attention to this data, and it will be sure to inspire ideas.


A high bounce rate is a symptom of a failing website. If your visitors aren’t completing their actions, they are probably not feeling satisfied with the website’s content. By paying attention to your bounce rate, you can identify what is causing the dissatisfaction and make the necessary improvements to help your website flourish in the digital landscape.

Our dedicated team of digital marketing specialists can help you create an effective website with compelling content that will lessen your bounce rate and increase your conversions! If you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s design, consult with us! We’re here to help!