If there’s one thing that brands should know now about advertising, it is that they should definitely do Facebook ads. With around 800 million Facebook users and counting, Facebook is among the few platforms that let you target ads with incredible precision. 

That said, Facebook ads come with their own challenges. To help you avoid problems, your trusted Facebook advertising agency shares some Dos and Don’ts of Facebook advertising to remember:

Do Determine Your Specific Objectives and the Relevant Metrics Before Launching a Campaign

If you’re running a Facebook ad campaign, it’s not enough to have a certain objective – like creating awareness or driving traffic to your website. You should be more specific, and determine what exactly you want your ad to achieve. Is it more conversions? Higher engagement rates? Anything above $2.00 per engaged user?

For instance, if you’re a restaurant, you might want to get people to book an early reservation through a Facebook ad, or get more people to sign up for the restaurant’s mailing list.

Once you know what the campaign is all about, it’s easier to determine the relevant metrics – and you’ll have a better idea of how much you can afford to spend.

Do Think About Your Target Audience at All Times

It doesn’t matter if your business is a local or international one. As long as you’re doing Facebook ads, you should always make sure you are targeting the right people.

For instance, if you’re doing a campaign for your local movie theater, you should be targeting people who live in the city where the movie theater is located, and also those who have an interest in your movie theater’s Facebook page. Remember, people have to have already liked your page in order to be served up your ads.

Do Run A/B Tests and Change Your Ads as Needed

It’s a good idea to run a/b tests and keep on changing your Facebook ads as needed. This is especially useful for Facebook ads that are showing without any targeting, or in places where the cost per click is relatively high.

Here’s how it works:

You create two Facebook ads with the same contents and target audiences, but different landing pages.

Run the campaign for a while, with the aim of gathering enough data.

See which ad is getting more conversions.

Go back to the original ad and run another a/b test with the second one.

Keep on switching between the two ads, and see which one is more successful in bringing in results.

Do Not Send People from Your Ad to an Irrelevant Page 

If you’re sending people from your Facebook ad to a landing page that’s not relevant to what they saw in the ad, you’re doing it wrong. You’re likely to annoy them and even lose their trust – and ultimately, it may lead to fewer conversions.


If your goal is to increase your overall awareness, you’re free to create a Facebook ad that’s all over the place, with an aim to cover as much demographic territory as possible. But if you’re looking for more specific results – like higher sales numbers, for instance – you need to be more careful about who you’re targeting and what you’re offering them.

As you can see, there are plenty of Dos and Don’ts to keep in mind when you’re running Facebook ads. It’s a good idea to follow these pointers, so that you can get more value from your campaigns and avoid Facebook advertising mistakes. You should also work with a reputable Facebook ads agency that can help you with your campaigns. 

Co Media is a trusted Facebook advertising company in Australia that can help get your brand the online attention and recognition it deserves. Contact our team today to get your free Facebook strategy session!