Social media has been around for decades now, and throughout the years of their rise and multiple introductions, companies and industry leaders have been using them to boost their brand online. Of course, they are not the only catalyst of sales amongst entrepreneurs. Search engine optimisation (SEO) has also been making the rounds, and when these two are combined, they make a formidable brand-boosting team.

The question in many people’s minds right now is, “How do social media pages improve a company’s SEO rankings?”

The answer to that is pretty simple, albeit a many-sided one. The following are just a few examples of how social media can improve SEO rankings.

1. Social Shares

Social shares are what make pages rank better in the search engine rankings. A website or social media page’s ranking can go up as much as fivefold with the help of social media. Suppose a company or individual’s website or social media page has many social shares. In that case, that website or page will rank higher in the search engine rankings.

2. Likes and Follows

Another way that social media pages can improve SEO rankings is by the number of likes and follows a page has. The more likes and follows a page has, the better the page’s ranking can be. This is mainly because companies can use this number to gauge a page’s popularity. 

If the page has a good number of likes and follows, it’s popular amongst the public. This popularity is seen by the search engine, which in turn boosts the page’s ranking.

3. Other Social Media

Suppose a company or individual has another social media page related to their company or website. In that case, that other page can also help the SEO rankings of the main site. For instance, a website could have a Facebook page, Twitter, and an Instagram page. 

If the Facebook page and the Instagram page have a good number of likes and follows, and if there’s an interaction between the user and the pages, that interaction is seen as the company’s popularity. 

The search engine then detects and monitors that interaction, thus improving the website’s ranking.

4. Brand Recognition

A company’s brand is what they are most interested in, and in a way, their brand is their popularity in the public’s eye. This brand recognition can be seen in advertisements, websites, and social media pages and can help your SEO rankings if it’s done correctly. In the end, it will also result in your product selling more.

5. Blog

Having a blog is a must for any company that is serious about making a good online presence. Blogs can help establish a company as a leader in their niche, allowing them to voice their opinions, spread information, and market their products.


Overall, one of the most important aspects of social media pages is that they are interactive in nature. This can allow companies to gauge what their customer base is interested in. What better way to know what your customers want than from the customers themselves? This customer feedback can help in creating new products and services to serve the customer base better.

In short, the social media pages that a company has can affect the SEO rankings of its website through demographic interactions and shares.

With all of that being said, if you are looking for an SEO marketing agency that will handle all your social media pages, look no further than our expertise here at Co Media. We are a digital agency offering digital services to small, medium and large-sized e-commerce and service-based businesses to maximise their online footprint. Call us today and let us handle your online content for you.